Google Search => 30 Sec

Job Description :

?  What is expected from workers?

✅  What is expected from Workers? ( simple and easy steps ) 


✅ It is better to use your Mobile when doing this task - Not your computer For a fast REWARD

1. Sign out from any account at Google or use incognito mode and then Search for : ( I will reject any task that doesn't follow this step )


                      - Accelerate BTC transaction


                      - Accelerate Bitcoin transaction


                      - btc Accelerate


                      - btc Accelerator

2. Find and Click on this Title: (1st Page - 10th Page) ( results depends on your country ) 


                 BTC T****ction Acc**** • Acc***te Bitcoin t*******


2-1 .To help you find the right search the website favicon is this :

Screenshot (




✅  The Proof of Work . 


1- When you visit the page, scroll down. After the countdown finishes, copy the code and proceed to submit it on this page:

           Screenshot for the countdown (

 2- Take a Screenshot of Google Search Result Page (Upload full page screenshot in or prnt screen and share the link)

 3- Put the number of the page in which you find the search result ( Ex: page 2 or 4 .. )To clarify (  )





?  Required proof that task was finished?

✅  Requirement. 

1- The code is:
2- Screesnhot for the google search result (Mobile Screenshot is better)
3- On what page number you find the search result ? eg 4 or 2:

Enter The Required Proof Of Job Finished:

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