Earn more than you spend! It has a very high trust score online!

Job Description :

?  What is expected from workers?

(1). Go to http://www.star-clicks.com/?ref=50797547 (2). Sign up as Publisher (not Advertiser) (3). Put the Referral ID: 50797547 (4). Complete your sign up (5). Log in to your account and click "phone verification" (6). Verify your mobile phone number and email. (most important) 7) upgrade account to gold member or platinum member. .................................................. (you can use this site https://prnt.sc/ or similar for screenshot)

?  Required proof that task was finished?

1. Your Sign up Name & Sign up date 2. Your Email address and Country name 3. LinkURL to your dashboard account overview screenshot showing that your gold member account or platinum member account.

Enter The Required Proof Of Job Finished:

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